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Two Steps Back
Mind / Body Greg Cappello Mind / Body Greg Cappello

Two Steps Back

Set a goal, reach it and then fall backwards while I mentally reset and find my next challenge. In the last four weeks, I’ve essentially been inactive and let poor eating habits creep in. This is something you may call balance, but I know the truth; these snowball fast until I find myself undoing weeks, if not months, of hard work. This behavior is relatable, but for me it’s toxic as it creates a lot of self-inflicted stress.

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated and Reach Your Goals
Mind / Body Greg Cappello Mind / Body Greg Cappello

5 Ways to Stay Motivated and Reach Your Goals

We’re already heading into the final week of quarter one in 2021, and as we say in the business world, it is time to reflect on the start of the year and assess if your company is on track to hit their goals. Ironically even if we’re off the mark, we are also finalizing another set of aggressive plans for the next three months.

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Accepting The 4x4x48 Challenge
Mind / Body Greg Cappello Mind / Body Greg Cappello

Accepting The 4x4x48 Challenge

On March 5, I accepted and took on the David Goggins 4x4x48 challenge. The rules were simple; run four miles, every four hours, for 48 hours. Goggins removed barriers for entry. This made it free, virtual and you didn't even have to run. You could walk, bike, workout, row, stretch, whatever. Ultimately, you just had to do something for 40 minutes every four hours for two days.

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Phase III - 2020
Mind / Body Greg Cappello Mind / Body Greg Cappello

Phase III - 2020

A month ago I was entering Phase II, one with goals set around continuing to perform on a daily basis. I had a foundation set and my confidence was building but I also saw patterns where I usually slip and take big steps backwards. Phase II was a success, not perfect by any means but a success for where I am in 2020. I continued executing my conditioning program, introduced weight training back into my routine and noticed a new baseline in how I felt, my weight and overall capacity.

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Phase II - 2020
Mind / Body Greg Cappello Mind / Body Greg Cappello

Phase II - 2020

Kicking off Phase II of my goals that I've set for the spring. Phase 1 was really all about rebuilding a foundation I felt comfortable with and more importantly confident with. My struggles have been not putting in the work consistently enough, I needed to find that. Luckily I did and with results I'm happy with.

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Future Leaders
Leadership Greg Cappello Leadership Greg Cappello

Future Leaders

Learning is the consumption and application of information in an attempt to build new skills. In the workplace this is essential at any level, from individual contributors and managers, all the way up to the strongest executives.

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