About Me

by Toni Cappello

Meeting Greg was like reconnecting with a great friend.  His demeanor was very familiar and comforting.  Everything about him was charming from his smile and positive personality to the way he took care of his grandma!  I got to know Greg over the years and I am constantly blown away by his drive, patience, ability to learn and teach (which in my experience you can either do or teach, usually not both). 


He has qualities that you don’t find common anymore; he fights for people, he stands and protects his integrity, recognizes and acknowledges talent and hard work In people, believes in doing the right things, protects his family and is the most hard working person I know!  It’s not just hard working at work either; he is 100 percent present as a husband and a daddy.  He was also a wrestling and martial arts coach for many years and someone always worth looking up to!   He pushes people to be their better selves and is a prime example of action.... not just words!   Asking Greg to do anything more than once is rare!  He gets things done.... period!

Anyone who can fall asleep within 10 seconds does irk me (takes me forever) but I guess when you wake up at 4am to work, help with laundry/dishes it makes you a bit tired at the end of the day.  Still doesn’t stop me from trying to keep him awake at night to talk.  

I remember the exact moments of falling more in love with him.  You’d think it would be in a romantic setting but it was actually  in the moments when he did the food shopping before 7am, when he sets the coffee for when I wake up, let’s me have the slice of pizza with the most cheese, folds the laundry (looks like my 2 year old helped, he folds so cute).... moments like that which I only see.  Seems like everyone gets all of Greg which is something I think is so unique.   

I love that he always does his research and takes that extra step when pursuing something. FYI he planned our whole wedding, did all the hard stuff and gave me choices he knew I’d like which was freaking awesome!!!!  

I mean don’t get me wrong with everything being said I still wish he would throw out those old socks with the holes on them and he can sometimes pinch a nickel until the buffalo poops,  but he is amazing.  Wonderful husband, loving father, great leader and manager,  and no matter where his life takes him professionally, will always be my hero! 

Thanks for making me smile all these years and I love you.  Home Team!

I love a good quote and Greg Strobel, former NCAA wrestling champion and Hall of Fame coach said something that really stuck with me. Not only did it resinate the first time I heard it in my early 20’s but still to this day as a husband, father and manager of people.

“Be the best student you can be, be the best husband you can be, be the best father you can be. Be the best whatever it is, be the best you can be. If thats your goal then thats a constant struggle for a lifetime of trying to be better and I think thats the way we were made.”

Personal Milestones

  • Perfect attendance - Fourth through Twelfth Grade

  • Four Year Division 1 Athlete - Team Captain

  • Digital Marketing & Product Executive

  • Co-Founder & Advisor of Audience Town, The Only Analytics Platform That Understands Moving Homes Across All Marketing Channels.

  • Husband, Father


With 15 years in digital media, I’ve held multiple leadership positions across product and marketing. Prior to forming Endless Cap, I served as the Senior Vice President of Marketing at Kargo, overseeing all go-to-market and sales enablement efforts. Before Kargo, I was Vice President Product Management at Undertone and PURENINE and have also held positions at premier media companies including Time Inc. and A&E Television Networks. I’m proud to currently be a founding member of Audience Town, the smart advertising platform for real estate.


  • Strategic Planning

  • Marketing & Advertising Strategy

  • Product Strategy & Development

  • Product Marketing

  • Sales Enablement

  • Content Marketing

  • Public Speaking

  • Team Management

  • Personal Development


  • General Presentations

  • Branding & Marketing Materials

  • Social Content & Distribution

  • Product Go-To-Market

  • Sales Materials

  • Web Design & Development

  • Mobile App Development

  • Sales Training

  • Market Research

  • Organizational Design

  • Roadmap Design

  • Budgets

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