Episode 2: Brian Daniels MD Answers Our Questions About COVID-19

I talk with Brian Daniels MD to answers the most talked about topics and questions surrounding coronavirus. We dive into gloves, masks, social distancing, sports, families, infants and more.

Questions and Topics:

  • What is the Coronavirus and another way for us to think about it.
    When he first became aware of the virus.

  • What the most consistent symptoms are.

  • The lack of symptoms in some and the severity in others. Why?
    Adults vs children. Is calling it an old person’s virus a mistake?
    The CDC's recommendation to start wearing masks when out in public? Why now?

  • Instagram Submitted Questions

    • Can you catch the virus through skin contact?

    • How long does the virus remain in the air after an infected person coughs, or sneezes?

    • If it is airborne and someone walks by someone even 6ft away, is that how it’s transmitted?

    • Will it be back in the fall like the news is saying?

    • Will it die off in the summer due to heat?

  • What was the real driving factor in shutting down sports? Safety of the athletes, limiting travel or a to limit social gatherings?

  • Physical fitness and wellbeing as well as mental health to combat the virus.

  • Takeout food, can we feel comfortable ordering out?

  • For Parents

    • Can you breast feed if you’re positive?

    • What happens if your kid needs to be quarantined?

  • Why it is so important to stay home right now?

  • How does this play out? How do we get past this, how does it get resolved?

Have more questions? Leave them in the comments or DM me and Brian will continue to answer. .

About Brian Daniels MD:
Dr. Daniels obtained his medical degree from Indiana University in 2010, with board certifications in family medicine and sports medicine by the American Board of Family Medicine. Dr. Daniels currently is a Sports Medicine Physician at Nemours Children's Hospital in Orlando, FL, is the Medical Director for the United States Tennis Association National Campus, and is Director of Player Medical Services for the US Open Championships. He formerly was the Medical Director for Hofstra University and team physician for the New York Islanders and Long Island Nets.

Intro Music: "Can't Stop Me Now" - The Score


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