(Watch)The Impact Coronavirus is Having on the Economy, Investments & 401Ks

Join me as I interview a wealth management advisor (who happens to be my big brother) about the impact corona is having on our personal finances as well as the global economy.

We cover:

  • Markets are 30% down, what does that mean for us?

  • How are 401Ks impacted and what should we do?

  • Retirement planning in a down economy

  • Millennials (24-39) - What are they doing and what are they missing out on

  • Personal investing and products to watch.

  • Impact on the Real Estate market

  • How does the government stimulus impact individuals, families and small businesses?

Part II: https://youtu.be/oiFcSNKUNo4

Part III: https://youtu.be/YeM-I7RRhk0

Connect with Nick:

  • @nickcap17

  • ncappello@lebenthal.com

Connect with Greg

  • @gregcappello

About Endless Capacity: Endless Capacity is my personal pursuit to constantly improve. I believe we’re all operating at different levels of our own personal capacity, and my passion is to not only improve my own but also try to help others looking to break through and grow as individuals. It's an endless battle with ourselves, and my goal is to document my habits, my success and struggles in an effort to help raise our level of output while decreasing our overall stress.


Episode 2: Brian Daniels MD Answers Our Questions About COVID-19


Managing Remote Teams & Becoming a Better Leader