Kicking Off Summer Differently This Year


It occurred to me that this is the first year in a long time I won’t be doing an “start of summer” clean up. Every year right before Memorial Day I clean my desk, my computer & my office (if I had one).

I throw out garage, empty drawers, wipe down everything with Lysol, etc etc. I guess I'm still wiping everything with lysol but for a whole new set of reasons.

Honestly this is also “busy” work during what usually is a dead week at most companies. Most people are out of the office, the rest are moving at approximately 50% and everyone seems to be embracing life with summer fridays.

This year is very different. I don’t have an office, no one does. I don’t have cluttered drawers, I don’t even have a desk. So what can I clean….?

I wanted to do something that gives me the same feeling of a reset but also benefits myself as well as everyone around me.

Revisit my one page personal plan. This is a plan for my next 30/60/90 days (and beyond). From Verne Harnish

Thinking long term I can use this time to update the Audience Town roadmap, ensure projects are on track and the dates that everyone is depending on me to hit are in sight.

Get outside for both fitness and family.

How are you starting the summer? What rituals do you have & how have they changed this year?


Phase III - 2020


Level Up…At Any Cost