Episode 01: The Impact Coronavirus is Having on the Economy, Investments & 401Ks

Join me as I interview a wealth management advisor (who happens to be my big brother) about the impact corona is having on our personal finances as well as the global economy.

We cover:

  • Markets are 30% down, what does that mean for us?

  • How are 401Ks impacted and what should we do?

  • Retirement planning in a down economy

  • Millennials (24-39) - What are they doing and what are they missing out on

  • Personal investing and products to watch.

  • Impact on the Real Estate market

  • How does the government stimulus impact individuals, families and small businesses?

Connect with Nick:

@nickcap17 or ncappello@lebenthal.com

Connect with Greg: @gregcappello


Episode 03: Hospital Tips For Delivering a Baby During Coronavirus